Just to be difficult, whenever the "Creation vs Evolution" debate comes up I like to say that I believe that humans have always existed, and thus there was no creation OR evolution.
I don't really believe that of course, but it's funny how off guard people are caught by that perfectly plausible option.
Just to be difficult, whenever the "Creation vs Evolution" debate comes up I like to say that I believe that humans have always existed, and thus there was no creation OR evolution.
I don't really believe that of course, but it's funny how off guard people are caught by that perfectly plausible option.
I wonder if they actually mean creationists, or if "intelligent design" is being lumped in there too?
... And there was much wringing of hands, and angsting about the state of modern science education ...
Chris, I may steal that idea.
And Rachael, I imagine you'd be hard-pressed to find someone that believes in "intelligent design" sans God. ID is only a legal term.
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